Pensions and Benefits Consulting /

Financial Wellness Solutions

Helping Canadians achieve their financial goals through unbiased expert insights

At Eckler, we believe that people and businesses everywhere deserve to secure and safeguard their future. While a good retirement plan is a key component, we believe in a broader vision and a more holistic approach.

With Guided Outcomes™, employees get the tools and insights they need to set, plan and achieve their financial goals. Employers get the analytics they need to make strategic decisions that support employee financial health and achieve organizational objectives.

Guided Outcomes™ journey for plan members

Financial wellness curriculum

Our Guided Outcomes™ curriculum is a modular, multi-channel solution of expertly selected tools and insights (workshops, webinars, articles, videos, workbooks, on-line learning, individual financial coaching, plan sponsor program analytics and reporting) to help employees set, plan, and achieve their financial goals.

Employers can choose from packaged “off-the-shelf” solutions as well as a-la-carte or fully customized solutions to meet their objectives.

The right retirement goal 

Knowing your goal is the most important step in reaching it! Unfortunately, many Canadians struggle to know what the “right” retirement goal is for their personal situation. It’s a complex question, so many end up using shortcuts like old rules of thumb or an out-of-reach (and perhaps unnecessary) savings goal. This could lead to a retirement quite different than what they expected, with many sacrifices along the way. That’s why Canadian researcher Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald created a new retirement goal – The Living Standard Replacement Rate (LSRR for short.) It’s a simpler and more accurate way for Canadians to set and achieve their retirement goals. Watch this video to learn more about LSRR and why you should use it!

Guided Outcomes™ for employers

A sample bar graph and pie chart titled Member distribution by probability of hitting income target.Retirement income adequacy is a growing concern for Canadians. It’s more important than ever to understand what your plan delivers so you can make sure your members get what they need from it. Guided Outcomes™ provides the analytics to assess, strategize and implement solutions so your workforce can achieve their retirement goals. By marrying your existing HR information and data from your plan administrator, we use sophisticated analytics using an award-winning economic scenario generator to illustrate the likelihood of your plan members achieving their personal Living Standard Replacement Rate. Detailed analysis (by salary levels, tenure, age, or division) gives you the critical information you need to make strategic decisions about which actions can help close the gaps for plan members while achieving your organizational objectives.

You can learn more about how Guided Outcomes™ can help you understand how well your plan is preparing your workforce for retirement in the video below.

Improving financial wellness with a back-to-basics approach

May 16, 2024
GO with Eckler

In this issue of GO with Eckler, we explore a few best practices to help you succeed at number four in our five-step plan for ...

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Supporting employees through new year financial stress

January 25, 2024
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Welcome to 2024! As we kick off the new year, we thought it appropriate to dedicate this issue of GO with Eckler to supporting employees ...

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Financial education at work – works!

November 29, 2023
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Welcome to the spring 2023 edition of GO with Eckler. In this issue, we’ll explore the headline grabbing topic that’s dominating boardroom and living room conversations ...

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Retirement Income Adequacy:
A conversation for Canadians

September 6, 2023
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

More than half of Canadians say they don’t know how much they need to save for retirement and nearly two-thirds of working Canadians worry about ...

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The impact of high inflation and interest rates on Canadians and their employers

May 8, 2023
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Welcome to the spring 2023 edition of GO with Eckler. In this issue, we’ll explore the headline grabbing topic that’s dominating boardroom and living room conversations ...

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Implementing a financial wellness program: Measure and assess

March 3, 2023
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

For many, as the new year begins, we reflect on accomplishments and set future goals. It seems fitting then that as the year begins, we ...

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Implementing a financial wellness program: Develop a communication plan

October 27, 2022
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

In this issue of GO with Eckler, we explore a few best practices to help you succeed at number four in our five-step plan for ...

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Implementing a financial wellness program: Build the program

July 26, 2022
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Only half of Canadians say they have a financial plan. With no plan, only 44% think they will be able to live comfortably in retirement. ...

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Implementing a financial wellness program: Finding a third-party provider

May 6, 2022
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

In this issue of GO with Eckler, we explore step two ─ Finding a third-party provider ─ for implementing a financial wellness program in the ...

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Challenges for Women and Financial Wellness

March 8, 2022
Financial Wellness

Everyone deserves a financially secure future but more than half of working-age Canadian Women haven’t even started saving for retirement or know how much they ...

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Implementing a successful financial wellness program

January 27, 2022
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Research shows that financial, physical and mental wellness go hand-in-hand. In fact, many employees report that financial stress impacts their physical health and their productivity ...

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Guided Outcomes™: Eckler’s Financial Wellness Solution

November 30, 2021
Financial Wellness, GO with Eckler

Only half of Canadians say they have a financial plan. With no plan, only 44% think they will be able to live comfortably in retirement. ...

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Workplace financial wellness programs help reduce employee stress and increase productivity

November 22, 2021
Articles, GO with Eckler

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a very bright spotlight on the long-term care industry in Canada. It has also caused us to reframe how we ...

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Financial planning for elder care
and aging

September 14, 2021
Financial Wellness

The average age of a caregiver in Canada is 45 – an age normally associated with prime income-earning years. Most of these individuals work. Many ...

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Financial wellness in the workplace: Five steps to a successful financial wellness program

October 29, 2020
Financial Wellness

For many Canadians, understanding and managing multiple financial assets and obligations is a complex and daunting task that can contribute to significant stress, impact work ...

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Supporting you through COVID-19

April 6, 2020
Financial Wellness

Eckler’s Webinar: Managing through difficult times   The uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 is being felt around the world. Loss of income, or the potential ...

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Retirement readiness – how should employers help?

February 27, 2020
Financial Wellness

Statistics can tell a lot of stories. When it comes to retirement, CIBC says that Canadians need to save about $756,000. The same report from ...

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A majority of working Canadians stressed about their finances

September 11, 2019
Financial Wellness

Eckler survey finds employees want to receive financial education at work, but gaps exist on what is provided and how.

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2019 Survey on Financial Wellness in the Workplace

September 11, 2019
Financial Wellness

The 2019 Eckler Survey on Financial Wellness in the Workplace shows that more than half of employees feel some degree of stress about their finances ...

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