Pension Benefits Act amendments Posts

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Manitoba introduces further amendments to thePension Benefits Act related to solvency and funding for pension plans

January 19, 2022
Legislative Updates, Special Notice

Special Notice - January 19, 2022 On December 20, 2021, the Pension Benefits Regulation, amendment (Regulation 142/2021) amending the Manitoba Pension Benefits Act (Act) came ...

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New Brunswick introduces amendments to Pensions Benefits Act

December 15, 2021
Legislative Updates, Special Notice

On November 3, 2021, New Brunswick introduced Bill 71, An Act to Amend the Pension Benefits Act (Bill 71). Bill 71 introduces proposed changes on ...

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Newfoundland and Labrador Introduces Amendments to funding for Multi-Employer Pension Plans

August 9, 2021
Legislative Updates, Special Notice

Special Notice - August 5, 2021 Changes eliminate onerous solvency funding requirement and set an appropriate level of minimum funding requirements, providing boards of trustees ...

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