
A consulting actuary and Principal based in Eckler’s Vancouver office, Catherine has over 25 years of actuarial experience. She has been with the firm since 2002.

Catherine consults to a wide range of clients on their pension and benefit plans, including various private and public sector organization plans and multi-employer plans. Her areas of expertise include actuarial valuations, retirement plan design and funding, costing benefit changes for union negotiations, pension and post-employment accounting and administration. She has a particular focus on accounting and monitoring regulatory developments.

An active industry volunteer, Catherine has served on numerous committees for the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and earned her gold medal volunteer award in 2018. She continues to play a role in Eckler’s research team to ensure our consultants are up to date on the regulatory changes that may impact their clients.

Domaines d'expertise

  • Defined benefit pension plan administration
  • Defined benefit pension plan valuations
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Jointly trusteed pension plans
  • Jointly sponsored pensions plans
  • Multi-employer pension plans
  • Pension accounting
  • Pension plan design
  • Post-employment accounting
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Target benefit plans

Qualifications professionelles

Professional Qualifications
  • University of Glasgow – Honours degree in Mathematics
  • Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (FCIA)
  • Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK) (FFA)
Professional Activities
  • Served as a member and past chair of the CIA’s International Pension and Employee Benefits Standards Committee
  • Served as a member of the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB)
  • Served as a member of CIA’s International Relations Council Committee
  • Served as a member of the Pension Plan Financial Reporting Committee
  • Served as a member of the Rules of Professional Conduct Committee

Vie personnelle

When not serving her clients, Catherine likes to give back to her community. She has previously served on the Board of Directors for a local Hospice.

And she runs! Catherine has completed 25 half marathons and has no plans to hang up her runners any time soon.

Eckler Nouvelles et Perspectives

Projet de loi 33 – La Colombie-Britannique modifie la Pension Benefits Standards Act

Le projet de loi 33, Pension Benefits Standards Amendment Act, 2023, a reçu la sanction royale le 8 novembre 2023. Le projet de loi 33 ...
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